Our chatbox supports a large list of so-called chat commands. Commands allow you to make a certain action by entering a specific message to the text field.
In order to receive a full list of supported commands just send a message to the chat with "/help" (remove the quotes).
For your convenience we will provide you with a full commands list here:
/help {command?}
Prints help/markdown
Prints markdown help/pm {username} {message}
Sends PM to user/tip {username} {amount} {currency} {comment?}
Sends a tip to user/rain {amount_per_receiver} {currency} {comment?}
Makes rain/bet {id}
Prints bet info/user {username?}
Prints user info/stat {currency} {username?}
Prints user stat/online {room?}
Prints online users in room/seen {username}
Prints last online time/status {message}
Sets status message/deposit {currency}
Prints deposit address/withdraw {amount} {currency} {address}
Withdraws funds/balance
Prints your balance/roll {condition} {chance} {amount} {currency}
Makes roll/seeds {id}
Prints bet seeds/verify {server} {client} {nonce}
Verifies a bet/randomize {seed}
Makes randomization/rand {max=1000} {min=0}
Prints a random number/srand {length=10}
Prints a random string/rate {from} {to}
Prints currency rate/convert {amount} {from} {to}
Converts currency/exchange {amount} {from} {to}
Exchange currencies/ignore {username}
Ignores user/ignored
Prints ignored users/unignore {username}
Unignores user
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